PreviewCode123More pages Usage Install the Shadcn UI Button component and Lucide Icons.Copy the component to your project. 'use client' import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { ChevronLeft, ChevronRight, ChevronsLeft, ChevronsRight, MoreHorizontal, } from 'lucide-react' import { Button, ButtonProps } from '@/components/ui/button' import { cn } from '@/lib/utils' export interface PaginationProps { totalPages: number currentPage?: number onPageChange?: (page: number) => void defaultCurrentPage?: number } const isNil = (value: any): value is null | undefined => value === null || value === undefined const PaginationContainer = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => ( <div className="flex items-center gap-1">{children}</div> ) const PaginationItem = ({ children, isActive, ...props }: ButtonProps & { isActive?: boolean }) => ( <Button {...props} className={cn('flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center p-0', props.className)} variant={isActive ? 'outline' : 'ghost'} > {children} </Button> ) const PaginationEllipsis = ({ hoverIcon, onClick, }: { hoverIcon?: React.ReactNode onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> }) => ( <PaginationItem className="group relative hover:bg-transparent" variant="link" onClick={onClick}> <MoreHorizontal className={cn( 'h-4 w-4 transition-opacity duration-200', !isNil(hoverIcon) && 'group-hover:opacity-0' )} /> {!isNil(hoverIcon) && ( <div className="absolute left-1/2 top-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 opacity-0 transition-opacity duration-200 group-hover:opacity-100"> {hoverIcon} </div> )} <span className="sr-only">More pages</span> </PaginationItem> ) const Pagination = ({ totalPages, currentPage, onPageChange, defaultCurrentPage, }: PaginationProps) => { const [cmpCurrentPage, setCmpCurrentPage] = useState(defaultCurrentPage ?? currentPage ?? 1) const handlePageChange = (page: number) => { if (isNil(currentPage)) { setCmpCurrentPage(page) } onPageChange?.(page) } const formatPage = (page: number) => { if (page < 1) { return 1 } else if (page > totalPages) { return totalPages } return page } const showPreEllipsis = useMemo( () => totalPages > 3 && cmpCurrentPage >= 3, [totalPages, cmpCurrentPage] ) const showNextEllipsis = useMemo( () => totalPages > 3 && cmpCurrentPage <= totalPages - 2, [totalPages, cmpCurrentPage] ) const showPages = useMemo(() => { if (cmpCurrentPage === 1) { return [1, 2, 3] } else if (cmpCurrentPage === totalPages) { return [totalPages - 2, totalPages - 1, totalPages] } else { return [cmpCurrentPage - 1, cmpCurrentPage, cmpCurrentPage + 1] } }, [totalPages, cmpCurrentPage]) useEffect(() => { setCmpCurrentPage(currentPage ?? defaultCurrentPage ?? 1) }, [currentPage]) return ( <PaginationContainer> <PaginationItem onClick={() => { if (cmpCurrentPage === 1) { return } handlePageChange(cmpCurrentPage - 1) }} disabled={cmpCurrentPage === 1} > <ChevronLeft className="h-4 w-4" /> </PaginationItem> {showPreEllipsis && ( <PaginationEllipsis hoverIcon={<ChevronsLeft className="h-4 w-4" />} onClick={() => { handlePageChange(formatPage(cmpCurrentPage - 3)) }} /> )} { => ( <PaginationItem key={pageNum} isActive={pageNum === cmpCurrentPage} onClick={() => { if (pageNum === totalPages) { return } handlePageChange(pageNum) }} > {pageNum} </PaginationItem> ))} {showNextEllipsis && ( <PaginationEllipsis hoverIcon={<ChevronsRight className="h-4 w-4" />} onClick={() => { handlePageChange(formatPage(cmpCurrentPage + 3)) }} /> )} <PaginationItem onClick={() => { if (cmpCurrentPage === totalPages) { return } handlePageChange(cmpCurrentPage + 1) }} disabled={cmpCurrentPage === totalPages} > <ChevronRight className="h-4 w-4" /> </PaginationItem> </PaginationContainer> ) } Pagination.displayName = 'Pagination' export default PaginationView Code Props interface PaginationProps { totalPages: number // total pages currentPage?: number // current page onPageChange?: (page: number) => void // callback when page changes defaultCurrentPage?: number // default current page }